AdBlock. The #1 ad blocker with over 200 million downloads. Blocks YouTube, Facebook and ads everywhere else on the web. The original AdBlock works automatically. Choose to continue seeing unobtrusive ads, white-list your favorite sites, or block all ads by default.

AdBlock is the best ad blocker with over 60 million users, and one of the most popular Chrome extensions with over 350 million downloads! Adblock Plus is a free extension that allows you to customize and control your web experience. Block annoying ads, disable tracking, block sites known to spread malware and lots more. Available for all major desktop browsers and mobile devices. AdBlock. The #1 ad blocker with over 200 million downloads. Blocks YouTube, Facebook and ads everywhere else on the web. The original AdBlock works automatically. Choose to continue seeing unobtrusive ads, white-list your favorite sites, or block all ads by default. Jun 30, 2020 · The best ad blockers you can get today 1. AdBlock Plus (Chrome, Edge, Firefox, IE, Opera, Safari, Android, iOS) (Image credit: Eyeo) AdBlock Plus (ABP) is 2. AdBlock (Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Edge) (Image credit: AdBlock (no relation to AdBlock Plus) is the 3. Poper Blocker Jan 13, 2020 · AdBlock Plus is one of the more famous ad-blocking extensions for Google Chrome and other browsers. The extension’s developers state that it has a user base eclipsing more than 100 million. AdBlock Plus will block pop-ups, animated, web mail, banner and tracking ads.

AdBlock is the best ad blocker with over 60 million users, and one of the most popular Chrome extensions with over 350 million downloads!

AdBlock is the best ad blocker with over 60 million users, and one of the most popular Chrome extensions with over 350 million downloads! Adblock Plus is a free extension that allows you to customize and control your web experience. Block annoying ads, disable tracking, block sites known to spread malware and lots more. Available for all major desktop browsers and mobile devices.

Adblock Plus is a free extension that allows you to customize and control your web experience. Block annoying ads, disable tracking, block sites known to spread malware and lots more. Available for all major desktop browsers and mobile devices.

AdBlock. The #1 ad blocker with over 200 million downloads. Blocks YouTube, Facebook and ads everywhere else on the web. The original AdBlock works automatically. Choose to continue seeing unobtrusive ads, white-list your favorite sites, or block all ads by default. Jun 30, 2020 · The best ad blockers you can get today 1. AdBlock Plus (Chrome, Edge, Firefox, IE, Opera, Safari, Android, iOS) (Image credit: Eyeo) AdBlock Plus (ABP) is 2. AdBlock (Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Edge) (Image credit: AdBlock (no relation to AdBlock Plus) is the 3. Poper Blocker