I have a reason for un-checking "Use default Gateway on remote network" for the VPN user - I do not want their "local" internet access to be tunneled though slow VPN connection. I want them to connect to network shares over the VPN, but being able to connect to Internet Services over their local Internet Connection.

You Cannot Connect to the Internet After You Connect to a Apr 16, 2018 Able to connect to VPN but no network access Sep 25, 2012 No Internet Connection When VPN Is Connected - Microsoft Nov 30, 2019

Jun 09, 2017

The VPN connection is now added to your list of VPN connections. Establish a VPN connection. If you’re connected to a network that’s away from work and you have access to the Internet, you can try to connect to your company’s private network using VPN. After you create the VPN connection in Windows 10, here’s how to use the connection:

Jul 24, 2020

Feb 05, 2016 VPN File sharing No internet access Fixed No network Jun 13, 2015 Remote-access VPN | HowStuffWorks A remote-access VPN allows individual users to establish secure connections with a remote computer network. Those users can access the secure resources on that network as if they were directly plugged in to the network's servers. An example of a company that needs a remote-access VPN is a large firm with hundreds of salespeople in the field. Another name for this type of VPN is virtual private Connected to VPN but no network access | Tom's Hardware Forum May 21, 2013