FTP not working? | CoffeeCup Software
Re: FTP not working What program were you using before this happened and what ports are you using? You could also do a System restore to a point before it stopped working bevcasue networking the two will not cause FTP to stop working. Uploading Issues - A Troubleshooting Guide (FTP) - Softpress Uploading Issues - A Troubleshooting Guide (FTP) 23rd of April, 2009 For the majority of the time, uploading your site to the web is as simple as going to File>Upload, entering the server name, directory (if used), user name and password and clicking OK. Anonymous FTP Not Working | Howtoforge - Linux Howtos … 2008-10-27 FTP not working | GBAtemp.net - The Independent Video …
FTP Not Working | DigitalOcean
2020-1-3 FTP Connection Issue: How to Check If FTP Port 21 Is Not An FTP client cannot perform the protocol if it fails to connect to the FTP ports. Unfortunately, some routers and firewalls block this port because hackers often target FTP servers via port 21. If you happen to have an FTP connection issue, it’s essential to verify whether or not there’s a blockage in port 21. FTP is not working | Plesk Forum
FTP not working: 550 Can\'t create directory: Permission denied. ricardofh. And if you have manually uploaded files from SFTP, then the files/dirs owner is root and FTP will not be able to access that dir, you need to change owner, since FTP use vhost owner to perform operations. To find out the owner of /home/example.com, you can do.
Jul 10, 2017 · Change the default FTP port from 21 to 22 The default port used for standard FTP connections to HostPapa servers is 21, while the default port for Secure FTP (SFTP) is 22. If the server configuration requires an SFTP connection to be used, changing the port number in the FileZilla client software from 21 to 22 should resolve the issue.